Law Tech Insights

Female professional using laptop

iTry Smarter on My iPad

All experienced litigators know that most cases are won or lost in the office, not the courtroom. Instead, it is meticulous discovery and preparation that leads to outstanding results. In my 40 years of trying civil cases, I have found that complete command of all relevant evidence, testimony, and caselaw with fingertip access and total mobility is the key to effective advocacy.

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How to use an iPad in a Microsoft Office Ecosystem

Many lawyers recognize the benefits of using an iPad for case preparation and presentation but are unsure about compatibility issues in the predominantly Microsoft-based legal profession. How can I utilize my iPad for case preparation, presentation, and daily tasks while using Windows at the office? This is the common question when discussing the power and benefits of using an iPad for litigation.

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Legal Tech Coaching - Level 1

The Untethered Lawyer

Effective and user-friendly technology is crucial for lawyers to succeed in litigation. However, it is concerning that many lawyers still struggle to utilize their tablets for this purpose. Lawyers must prioritize mastering this technology to serve their clients better and achieve positive outcomes in their cases.

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Courtroom Magic